Monday, February 24, 2014

Albuquerque Restaurant Week 2014 is Here!

Sure, Albuquerque is known for its fantastic food year round. But this week, we all get a little something extra.

New Mexico restaurant week kicked off yesterday, and a number of Albuquerque restaurants are participating in the event. During Albuquerque Restaurant Week, participating restaurants offer special menus and deals to help locals like yourself get to know their fare a little bit better.

Although no tickets are required for the event, which lasts until March 2, it is encouraged that you make a reservation before your meal - things can get pretty busy, quickly at the participating restaurants. Some restaurants are even advertising lunch deals, for those of you that work nights or are otherwise occupied at dinnertime. And don’t worry - most restaurants will also be offering their regular menus in addition to their special Restaurant Week menus.

Here are the Albuquerque restaurants participating this year:

And if you’re in the mood for a little something extra, check out these great educational tasting events:

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

On the Road, Preparation is Key

As you all well know, ABQ isn’t exactly the best traffic city in the country. And while we tend not to get terrible winter weather around here, we certainly learned from Atlanta a few weeks ago, that it doesn’t take much to cause major problems on the road.

If you tend to get stuck in a lot of traffic jams or even if you’d just like some peace of mind, putting together a car emergency kit can be cheap and simple.’s blog actually compiled a very helpful guide to assembling an emergency car kit, simply using items found at the dollar store. Here are some of their suggestions:

A box of tissue: Or napkins. Or paper towels.

Sharpie or thick, dark marker: In case you need to write a “Save me!” message to display in your window.

Toothbrush and toothpaste: Because no one wants to greet their rescuer with 2-day old breath.

Bottled water: Water will come in handy not only to prevent dehydration, but also to brush your teeth or wash your face and hands.

USB charger: Having your phone go dead when you’re stranded is seriously one of the worst feelings ever. Spare yourself this nightmare and invest in a cheap car charger. Tip: If you work on a computer all day, keep a USB cord in the office to keep your phone charged throughout the day.
First aid kit: Usually complete with Band-Aids and the like, you’ll be prepared in case of any minor injuries.
      A notebook or paper – To write notes on with the Sharpie
      A list of important phone numbers – In case your phone dies
      Knife – Use it as a weapon or to quickly cut your seat belt
      An old blanket and/or large towel – To keep warm if running your car engine is not an option
      Extra set of clothes, thick socks and comfortable walking shoes – In case you need to ditch the car and hike to your destination
      Personal items such as chapstick, lotion and sanitary products – To maintain some sense of normalcy

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Making Your Apartment Yours

Apartment living is great - it’s convenient and cost effective. But one of the biggest challenges for renters after they’ve moved in is making the apartment feel unique, and well, yours. published a great, concise guide to making your apartment feel like home. Here are some of our favorite tips:
Treat your space like you plan to stay.
Once you find the right area to live in, your next step is to take an empty apartment space and fill it with you. The art you place on the walls, even the particular way you align furniture in the rooms, for instance, should reflect a little something about you. Why not start by placing one piece of decor or a favorite belonging in a place of prominence in your new space? Laying out something that symbolizes home to you will go a long way toward moving you in, mentally.
Get to know your neighborhood.
No apartment is an island; yours is undoubtedly connected to grocery stores, a post office, restaurants, and all of the services and hotspots that make up a community. To feel at home in your own apartment, you need to know the community where you reside.
Love where you live.
Why not live in a place that makes you proud to be there? We’re talking about a pride of place that is shared between landlord and renters concerning the community. Everyone who touches the community must leave a positive influence on the living experience.
Think about it: when you pick up stray litter in the parking lot, you’re adding to visual appeal. When you’re friendly with a neighbor at the mailbox, you’re making the community a more appealing place to live. Actions like these convey that you care about creating a place you love to live in, a place that feels like home.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Tractor Brewing: Now in Wells Park

More and more craft breweries keep opening up in Albuquerque every year, and one of the most renowned tap rooms in the city is Tractor Brewing. Known for their warm, friendly staff and atmosphere (and, of course, their quality beer), Tractor Brewing is a valued part of the community as well, participating in many local events and working with charitable organizations throughout the region every year.
Although their Nob Hill Tap Room gets regular praise from local media as having the best bar staff in Albuquerque, Tractor Brewing Continues to make news - this time, with the opening of their new tap room in Wells Park.
The grand opening for Tractor Brewing’s Wells Park Tap Room was this past Saturday, February 1. These folks obviously put a ton of work into their new digs, according to their most recent blog post:
Excited yet? We are. As much as you prepare yourself for an opening of this scale, it still manages to sneak up on you and blow you away with the scope of work to be done. General contractor Sheri Crider has spent the last six months coordinating electricians, plumbers, undertaking a massive amount of tile work and construction herself. Seeing it all come together has been a rewarding and at times an overwhelming experience and we are confident that you will be as smitten as we are with the results. The Tractor Brewing Co. family has taken on many projects in preparation for the opening, from building what Admin Nicole Duke calls “the most complicated tables ever” to assembling the walk-in coolers where kegs will be stored and installing the tap lines. The countless hours and generosity of our employees and friends and family has made it all possible. When you have that kind of extended family, anything is possible and the opening would not have come together without these contributions.

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