Friday, August 23, 2013

Local Preservation Project Keeps Iconic Theater in Tact

One of our favorite parts about being in Albuquerque is its distinct visual aesthetic. When you walk down the streets of downtown, there are always lots of eye-catching signs that seem to have remained from another era.

Some of the most recognizable buildings in Albuquerque are its historic movie theaters, and looking forward to the next few decades, it looks like they’ll not only stay there, but stay the way they are!

New Mexico’s MainStreet Historic Theater Initiative actively invests in rural downtown theaters to preserve them and their places in their communities. Among the theaters benefitting from the project is Albuquerque’s iconic, 100 Year-Old Luna Theater:

You might have noticed the winking sign out front, part of the facade’s restoration! Here’s some background on The Luna theater’s famous facade:

The Luna -- originally known as the Mission Theater – has a colorful past. Prosperous merchant and rancher Morris Herzstein built the theater and adjacent business block in 1916 after a disastrous fire wiped out his headquarters mercantile store. Built in a unique fusion of Classical and Mission-style architecture, the theater’s facades survive intact, while the generous recessed entry foyer boasts an ornamental ceiling laced in gold paint....The State of New Mexico also provided additional funding for essential upgrades, such the digital projection equipment and surround sound system. Several community members were trained in digital projection, computer server operation, and internet delivery and monitoring.
Above it all shines the iconic marquee, restored early in the process by the Town and Clayton MainStreet, and which remains one of New Mexico’s most beloved street signs.

The Luna Theater is located at 10 Main Street in Clayton, NM. To read the full press release on the MainStreets Luna Theater projct, click here.


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