Thursday, April 9, 2015

Shipping Container Shopping Center to Open In Albuquerque


Living in a shipping container might not sound like a dream come true, but to some it will be reality. Brian Stark of StarkJames architecture firm is in the process of having the 10,000 pound containers moved into place in Phoenix for the commencement of the construction. The 16 containers will be transformed into 8 one-bedroom apartments. Each of the apartments will be made up with all the accoutrements of any other apartment: bathrooms, wood floors, an abundance of windows and HVAC. However, you might be waiting a while to get into the apartments.

From the Albuquerque Business Journal:

“Kathleen Santin, an investor in Containers on Grand, said there is plenty of interest in the unique development in a city not readily known for unique architecture.
“We have 135 people on the waiting list,” she said.”

Nearer to home, construction has already begun on the Green Jeans shipping container center. Located only 25 minutes away from Sandia Apartments on Carlisle and I-40, the center will be home to offices, shops and restaurants all housed in shipping containers. Built around entrepreneur Roy Solomon’s hydroponic farm, Solomon hopes that the farm will serve as an educational tool for children to learn about where their food comes from. The farm will also hopefully turn into a year-round farmer’s market.

Solomon is currently looking for tenants for his center according to Jetson Green:

“He already signed with Santa Fe Brewing Co. which could be up and running by the summer. According to his concept for the center he would like it to include an eatery, a coffee shop, a wine bar, a flower bar, a spice depot, as well as various health and nutrition-based businesses.”

If the center meets the expectations of its creator, it is going to be an exciting development for the area. Keep an eye out for the Green Jeans Shipping Container Center, due to open by Memorial Day.

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