Thursday, December 25, 2014

Be an Ideal Party Guest

"Happy 2009!" by Ginny is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
From Christmas to New Year’s Eve, you’ll surely be making the rounds at parties throughout the next couple of weeks. Whether it’s a boss or colleague you’re trying to impress or your friends and family, keep these tips (courtesy of Apartment Therapy) in mind and you will be at the top of the invite list next year!

1. Show up right on time.
For most people it's second nature to show up at least 15 minutes late to a big gathering, but the perpetually punctual may have trouble with this. If you find yourself arriving at party within 15 minutes of the stated start time, nip around the corner for a coffee, or hang out at a bookstore for a bit, or just sit in your car. This will give your host a little breathing room and ensure that you don't walk in on them doing frantic last minute preparations.

A few exceptions to the rule: dinner parties, where it's rude to show up more than 15 minutes late. And any party where you know the hostess very well and feel comfortable offering to help out — in that case your punctuality (or even earliness) will probably be welcomed.

2. Bring something that requires a lot of prep.
If you're bringing something to the party, good on you. But don't bring something that will require a ton of prep space or kitchen time on the party end. Chances are your host has been cooking all day and counter space in the kitchen is at a premium. If you're in there chopping things and looking for bowls and knives and whatnot, things can get chaotic.

3. ''Ghost' without saying goodbye to your host.
You don't have to make a big deal of announcing your exit to every guest at the party, but you should at least find your host and let them know that you had a lovely time but unfortunately you have to leave. This will keep them from fielding questions about what happened to so-and-so all night long.

1. RSVP.
The art of the RSVP is dead, y'all. The number one gripe I hear from friends who host parties is that people don't RSVP, or they do and then don't show up, so it's almost impossible to tell who is coming to your party and how much food you need. So if you get an invite to a party, and you think you'd like to go, click 'yes'. Really, it's not that hard.

2. Offer to bring something.
Chances are good that your host will say you don't need to bring anything at all, just yourself, but offering anyway is standard party etiquette. It's also a way to help your hostess defray the cost of the party, which sometimes can run pretty high. And if you are asked to bring something, for gosh sakes, don't take it home with you at the end of the night (unless your host specifically asks you to).

3. Talk to people you don't know.
Sure, all your friends are at the party. But these are all people you'll see again — how are you gonna meet new people if you just stick with your group all the time? Go by yourself to get food or drink — this is a pretty natural time to chat up people you don't know. Talking to new people is also a HUGE favor to your hostess, who will have to worry less about guests who don't know a lot of people at the party.

4. Say thanks.
Throwing parties is lots of fun, but it's also hard work. And when you work hard at something, it's nice to have somebody else say: hey, thanks. Good job. Traditional etiquette dictates that you send a mailed thank-you note to your host: in modern times, this might seem a little over the top, but thanking your hostess when you leave (and maybe even in an email or text message the next day) will always be appreciated.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Pet Safety During the Holidays

"Bailey Puggins" by DaPuglet is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
For many people, pets are a member of the family, rather than a household companion. As there are hazards for children around the holidays, the same is true for pets. What household hazards should you be aware of this time of year? Keep these guidelines, courtesy of Apartment Therapy, in mind as you decorate your apartment for the holidays!

1. Avoid mistletoe and holly: While these decorations are fun and festive, they are poisonous to both cats and dogs. Go fake if you must have them around.

2. Opt for a fake tree if you have cats: While the toxicity levels in most fir trees isn't high enough to harm a dog, it can be high enough to cause stomach irritation and vomiting in a cat. Also, most cats can't digest pine needles, which isn't pleasant for pet or owner.

3. If you go real, cover that water: The most hazardous part of a real tree for dogs is the water bowl. There are countless pesticides and fertilizers in that water, which can be deadly to dogs.

4. Tape down cords: If you've trained your cats and dogs to avoid electronics, this isn't as much of an issue, but new things like twinkling bulbs can always cause crazy behavior in animals. Training tips can be found here, but if you find your little creatures are getting curious around those holiday twinkle lights, cover them with electrical tape and adhere to the floor to avoid electrocution.

5. Hire a smart and attentive sitter: When hiring a sitter over the holidays, let them know to look for signs of danger like broken bulbs or chewed cords and give them your vet's information just in case. If they know what to look for, they can step in and help in an emergency.

Of course, if your pet does a banner job of staying out of trouble, be sure to get them a stocking full of treats.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Last Minute Apartment Cleaning

"clutter" by Alex is licensed under CC BY 2.0
The holidays are a hectic time of year for anyone, but add the stress of hosting people at your apartment, and a whole other layer unfolds - you need to decorate your place, order or cook food, send out the information and more. All this in addition to buying and wrapping gifts. Let’s say your stretch your time too thin - what can you save for last? Cleaning your apartment. Doing a quick clean is actually not as bad as it sounds. Just follow these easy tips from Apartment Therapy:

1. Clean the Three T's: Toilets, Tabletops, the Television. What? The television? Yup! Most living rooms are centered around your tv and the amount of dust that hangs on it, your Netflix stack and dvd box set pile that's off to one side could be tell tale signs of why the rest of your house isn't exactly spotless. Plus if you sit chatting in the living room, you'll be staring at it wishing you would have moved it. Toilets and tabletops are a bit more self explanatory, but important none the less.

2. Stash with Efficiency: When company drops in we've all been in a situation once or twice where things get tossed in a basket and shoved in the spare bedroom or closet. It's a quick solution, but it can be done with more efficiency so you can find your stuff later on. Add things to your basket according to the room they go in. That way when company leaves, you can remove the items easily without making 100 trips across your house or apartment to put things where they belong.

3. Pet Hair: Even if you have a sparkling clean house, if your sofa is covered with a layer of dog or cat fur, it suddenly looks less tidy. Keep a rubber glove or your favorite pet hair busting product on hand to knock it all down in a few sweeps.

4. Dishes Be Gone in Seconds Flat: Please don't judge me for this tip. Admitting that I've done it more than once is punishment enough alright? So here goes. Put your dishes in your oven. Wait, what? If you pile your dishes in the sink then it looks like you threw them all in there at the last minute as everyone knows you can't really wash dishes in that manner and you'll still look like a slight slob, even though you have clean counters. Instead, grab a baking sheet and stack like items together and slide them in the oven. They'll slide right back out, be prestacked and ready to be washed so you can recover from the guilt you just gave yourself for following through with this tip. Side note: don't preheat your oven... even by accident... until they're removed.

5. Spend 5 Furious Minutes on Your House Everyday: Isn't that cheating? We're talking about last minute company here, not preparing all week long for them to come! True, but think about how much you can clean in those few minutes before they arrive. 10 blocks isn't much. With traffic and parking and walking up your stairs, 5 minutes is a safe estimate. Bring that panic to your life every day and clean with the same intensity for just 5 minutes and your house will always look better for it. Plus, you still have time to watch Raising Hope without telling yourself you'll pick up on commercials.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Are You Making These Hosting Mistakes?

"Holiday Cookies" by Whitney is licensed under CC BY 2.0
‘Tis the season for holiday gatherings! If you’re inviting friends and loved ones over to your apartment this season, or have in the past, you understand that hosting is hard work and can be stressful! While your friends and family don’t expect every single detail to go perfectly, there are some main areas you can focus on to make sure your guests have an enjoyable experience! These are mistakes you’ll want to avoid at your holiday party, courtesy of Apartment Therapy.

1. Expecting guests to help themselves to food and drink.
Don't expect that your guests will know to help themselves to the beer in the fridge, or that they'll be able to find those cookies tucked away in the back of the kitchen. Guests may not be comfortable enough in your house to go hunting around, so make sure everything is in plain sight.

2. Not thinking about flow.
When you're arranging furniture and thinking about where to locate food and drinks, consider how people will move through the house. Generally everyone is going to walk in the door and then go straight for the food and drink, so make sure there's a clear path to the goodies. Think about places where bottlenecks will form and try to eliminate them by creatively moving furniture — if, for example, you have a small kitchen, putting out food in a different room will keep everyone from winding up uncomfortably jammed into a tiny space.

3. Thinking you have to provide seating for everyone.
Unless you're hosting a dinner party, your guests will probably spend most of the party on their feet, chatting. Usually people will only sit down at the very end of the party, when most guests have already left, so provide one or two conversational groupings of chairs, but don't feel like you have to have a seat for every single person. You don't want to wind up with a whole roomful of people, awkwardly standing around a bunch of unused chairs.

4. Serving food and drink that take a ton of prep on the day of.
If you have your heart set on on serving handcrafted cocktails at your party, hire a bartender (or enlist a friend to do the honors) — otherwise you'll spend your whole party mixing and shaking, secretly resenting your guests for having such a good time. Pitcher drinks will make your guests just as happy, and allow you to enjoy yourself too. The same goes for food that requires elaborate preparation — opt for something simpler, or even better, supplement with some appetizers from the frozen food section. With some creative plating, your guests will never know the difference.

5. Not having a plan for music.
You don't have to hire a band or come up with the World's Most Creative Playlist — but you do need something playing when guests arrive. Music provides a little background noise to make people comfortable during those awkward introduction stages, and it also helps set the tone for the entertainment to come.

6. Forgetting to check the thermostat.
A bunch of people all together in a little room = lots and lots of body heat. If you're having a large gathering, you'll probably want to do something — turn of the heater, open up windows, maybe even turn on the A/C for a little while — to cool down the room before people arrive, so you don't wind up with a sweltering apartment two hours later when it's too late to do anything about it.

7. Leaving your guests to introduce themselves.
Especially if you've invited friends who don't know anyone else at the party, don't just welcome them and put a cocktail in their hand and then leave them on their own. Make sure to introduce them to one or two other folks at the party so they're not floating around on their own.

8. Trying to do everything on your own.
Hosting a party is more than a one-person job. No matter how much you prepare ahead of time, you'll probably find yourself scrambling to get things ready at the last minute. If you enlist help — a spouse, a family member, a close friend — you'll be able to spend the first few minutes of your party greeting your guests, and not running around in the kitchen while they awkwardly stand about. (And chances are your friends will be happy to help.)

9. Forgetting to relax and enjoy yourself.
Which party would you rather go to — an event with perfect decorations, food, and drink, with a stressed-out, frazzled host, or a less closeup-worthy event where the hostess is relaxed and having a good time with her guests? Your guests feel the same way. You're the host, and your mood will set the tone for the rest of the party — so relax, have a drink, and let the little things work themselves out.

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