Thursday, October 31, 2013

It Takes “You” to Tango

Albuquerque wouldn’t be what it is without an infusion of Latin American flavor, would it?

Celebrate it this weekend at the fourth annual Albuquerque Tango Festival! Last year’s event drew over 600 participants as they enjoyed world-class tango instructors, DJs, a 3,000 square-foot dance floor, and more. This year’s event is sure to be a crowd pleaser - and, it’s only $30 for an individual milonga.

Head over to the festival’s website for more information about the event, which includes over 30 hours of milongas across two auxiliary floors in a 14,000 square-foot ballroom. And new to this year’s event is a 3-hour workshop for more personalized instruction, including a “Beginner’s Package” for those who are unfamiliar with the art of tango. Here’s the course description for it:
The Beginner's PackageSunday, November 3, 2013 
 A three hour "beginners boot camp" in Argentine Tango followed by the beginner's milonga (dance party) 
 We are please to offer our third beginner's package at the Albuquerque Tango Festival  which will take place on Sunday, November 3, 2013 at the Las Puertas Venue (1512 1st St. NW).  Classes will run from 1:30 p.m.–2:45 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.–4:15 p.m. Both classes are included. After the classes please put your new skills to work at the Beginner's Milonga which runs from  4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and which will take place in the Alvarado Ballroom of the Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town. 
 You may register for the Beginner's Intensive online or pay at the door at 1512 1st NW just prior to the start of the first class. 
 This year the beginner's track is being instructed by master instructors and dancers Mike Malixi Carrie Field, of Taos. Mike and Carrie have presented numberous workshops and performed and taught at festivals throughtout the US. 
 You can read more about Mike and Carrie here: Instructor Bio 
 The beginner's intensive is appropriate for absolute beginner's (those with no Argentine tango experience) and for people dancing less than two years. Many more advanced dancers take this workshop every year to revisit and improve their fundamental technique. 
 The beginner's milonga is a great place to practice your new skills, to experience the milonga setting, and to dance with both your classmates and with more experienced dancers who show up to assist and encourage beginning dancers. Like all Albuquerque Tango Festival milongas, we celebrate the event with cake! 
 The cost for this three hour class is $65. Registration can be done online: Online Registration or at the door. Space is limited. 

Click here for more information on the Albuquerque Tango Festival!


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